Keep Hydrated- This is essential to keep your energy levels up and to keep your body working efficiently. Drink at least two litres of water a day, preferably mineral water.
One common reason wanting to have a girl is that there are boys already in the family, and parents want to have a girl or girls also. They want to make their family complete by having both genders.
Don't eat pesticides. It sounds obvious but a lot of people don't wash their fruits and vegetables well. Buy a veggie wash. You can typically get it at Walmart or your local health store. Some supermarkets even sell it now. Remember, eating fruits and
veggies is an excellent way to get a lot of needed vitamins and minerals but not if they are loaded with pesticides. Another option... a much better one... is to buy organic fruits and vegetables from your local health store. It is expensive but worth it.
There are some foods you might want to avoid during pregnancy. Pretty much everything passes through breast milk and to the baby. This is why the first thing pediatricians advise nursing moms to do when their baby has colic is to look at what they are eating. Chocolate has been blamed in many cases of colic and can cause an
upset tummy for most babies. f you have a baby with a tummy ache think back to see if you had a candy bar or even a cookie in the hours before you nursed. The best advice is to stay away from chocolate while you are nursing.
It is imperative that you keep track of your menstrual cycles. Knowing when your periods are will allow you to know when you are the most fertile. Your highest chance for conception is when you are ovulating. Ovules must be present for sperm to fuse with in order to conceive the child you are anxiously awaiting.
Another tip on
how to get pregnant while nursing toddler while pregnant with twins is to include wild yams in your diet. It has been proven that sweet potato or yam contains a chemical which is similar in composition to the female sex hormone, progesterone. Also, the skin of wild yam can cause hyper ovulation which will make your chances much higher.
Another idea is making simple changes. Some married couples have become pregnant after modifying their sexual position. Many husbands and wives have had success getting pregnant by transforming their diets or shedding pounds. If the male part of the couple wears briefs he can try transitioning to less constricting boxer shorts.
Exercising during pregnancy also help to get o pre-pregnancy figure after delivery. Thus exercise during pregnancy gives a kick start to lose weight after delivery.